Re: The USCHO Budget Thread (warning: political)
So lets go over this again. Wages remain stagnant , the cost of living goes up and people cope. The overall savings rate has declined, and the debt per person has drastically increased. That’s not a load of garbage, that’s just fact. To be clear, inflation of commodities will not help anyone and will continue to cut into people’s real wages just as long as they don’t go up.
‘The only thing you have to borrow money for is to buy a home”
Your officially in the retard rickshaw with UNO. People are borrowing 5 and 6 figure amounts to pay for college. What about some folk with insane medical expenses?
Time to lay off the wowwie sauce dude. You’re a ****ing mess.
That may be a fact, but that doesn't make it any less foolish. It just become a viscous cycle that will spiral.
I don't have enough money to have everything I want, so I "cope" by spending money I don't have buy taking on debt for things I want but don't need.
Now, because of my debt payments I have even less money, so I "cope" by spending even more money and taking on more debt.
Now, because of even larger debt payments I have even less money, so I "cope" by borrowing more money and taking on more debt.
Now, because of my crushing debt payment, I have even less money so I "survive" by borrowing money for my basic expenses.
I didn't know that spending $25K on a new car every three years or dropping $300 on the newest electronic device was critical to the survival of the typical middle class family.
Middle class families in America are not going without the basic necessities of life: healthy food, basic shelter, and standard clothing (plus the basic utilities of heat, water, and electricity). They are not going into debt coping with satisfying those needs, they are buying things that they WANT that they don't have money for. I have a car, but I WANT a new car. I have a TV, but I want an HD TV one. I have a house but I WANT a bigger house/ a bigger yard/ in a more prestigious area. People borrow money to buy stuff that they want right now but can't afford right now.
A real increase in the cost of commodities is not impacted by inflation, neither is the change in the real value of wages. If the real cost of something goes up by 5%, it is going to go up by 5% even if inflation is -2%, 0% or 5%.
You don't have to borrow money to go to college and graduate with a BA/BS, you absolutely do not need to borrow $100k to get a bachelor degree.
If I go into the hospital with an emergency (say from a car accident) I may owe the hospital many thousands of dollars and have that as a debt I need to pay, but I didn't go out and voluntarily borrow money to buy something.
I will correct my statement:
Only two things that you should go into debt for: buying a house and unexpected medical debts. The only thing that you borrow money for is to buy a house.