You can leave the politics out if you don't mind and using the dog whistle term woke is offensive to me and i'm sure others.
On this board? It absolutely is.
You can leave the politics out if you don't mind and using the dog whistle term woke is offensive to me and i'm sure others.
You can leave the politics out if you don't mind and using the dog whistle term woke is offensive to me and i'm sure others.
Apologies for offending your sensibilities; it does seem to hit a defensive nerve with some. It is a cultural, not political statement, and is the reality of the day unfortunately. I will chose openness. But thanks for the advice.
It's May 1, Blashill has been fired.
Yet he's not HC of Michigan Hockey- so much for that prediction.
Oh, and it's May 1, one day after Mel's contract expired- and he was not "let go" for the simplicity of letting the contract run out. So much for that vision..
While it's still possible that he will be let go, the concepts that our fans up in the UP, NoDak, and Boston have kind of fallen on their heads. Thank you all, so much, for your "concerns"- please remember to get something from the M-Den on your way out.
let's just stick with the facts;
it's may 1st and michigan doesn't have a HC.
What facts do you base that? How do you know there isn't a temporary extension?
The more accurate fact is that Pearson has not been let go, officially. Otherwise, that would have been noted, since there would be a significant job opening.
Either way, the April 30 predictions have not come true- Blashill isn't coach, and Pearson has not been let go for the ease of it.
The other fact is that there has not been an exodus of current and future players. Just one future player, probably because he wanted to play next season.
I think some people are blowing right by this but to me it's a clear indication he's not going anywhere. Maybe I am reading it wrong.
What facts do you base that? How do you know there isn't a temporary extension?
The more accurate fact is that Pearson has not been let go, officially. Otherwise, that would have been noted, since there would be a significant job opening.
Either way, the April 30 predictions have not come true- Blashill isn't coach, and Pearson has not been let go for the ease of it.
The other fact is that there has not been an exodus of current and future players. Just one future player, probably because he wanted to play next season.
per the detroit news article;
"Michigan hockey coach Mel Pearson remains as head coach despite his original five-year contract expiring Saturday without an extension in place."
so... he is the coach and he is not the coach. i guess folks in the uofm english department are having a hands-on in-house example of what an oxymoron is. ...or maybe it's a paradox. but a pandora's box it surely is. good for them.
with an expired contract and an extension not in place... he is "still" the coach. right, right, right... "he will be fine."
the choices (or lack of) being made just go to show how serious the allegations and investigation are. but i will say uofm is playing the cards right by not having him under contract; that way they don't have to release the report if they decide to part ways. this is the best reality tv show i have ever watched...
You are assuming that there's not a temporary extension in place. Having one makes logical sense when you have an investigation to finish before a decision is made.
BTW, in your "evidence" where does it say that Mel's not the coach anymore? My English may be poor, but I read that the contract expired but he's still the HC. Neither of us have any idea what is going on in the background, but given what continues to be the "official" position, sure seems that there's a temporary extension in place.
And I did say that he could still be let go, but all of the easy predictions have not come true- else the announcement that there was a major opening in the Athletic Department would have been made so that it could be filled as quickly as possible. Clearly the "seriousness" of the situation has not warranted 1) and immediate firing, 2) the contract being just let go at the end of term, and 3) an exodus of players from the program.
Not sure why this is so interesting to you- it's pretty freaking boring without any news being said. Literally nothing unusual has happened- the players who went pro were completely expected, having one player de-commit is hardly shocking, and none of the predictions that were supposed to happen by now have happened. Kind of reminds me of a group of people and an election that recently happened.
But if you really enjoy this, Michigan's advertisers very much appreciate your attention.
if i said i wasn't enjoying all of this mess, it would be a lie...
i can care less what happens as long as it's the right thing; if he was wrong, he better be gone. if he wasn't so be it...
i don't think mel pearson is a good person - his desperation to win both at tech and uofm seemed to have crossed many lines. it was toxic here, and from the looks of it, toxic in ann arbor as well. is that the kind of coach you want? while it took us tech fans a while to come to terms with it, joe shawhan has been a blessing - his integrity is insurmountable...
but when i say i wish you and yours luck, i mean it. because it's looking like you are gonna need it...