In Pennsylvania, among those voters who have registered to vote since June 24th, women outnumber men by a shocking 17 pts margin. For reference, among all registrants in PA, women outnumber men by only a 4 pt margin.
It's not just PA though. Our report pointed out the surge in women voters in MI and WI as well since June 24th. But we have fresh data in another key state - Ohio, where the share of women among new registrants since Dobbs was 11 pts over men, as compared to <3 pts prior to 6/24.
As I noted after KS: we are seeing early signs of what could lead to a huge increase in women voting in November. These registration patterns closely resemble that of younger voters in '18 post-Parkland, which fueled the blue wave that year. This surge is young and female.
One more to add to the list here - in North Carolina, since the Dobbs decision was handed down on 6/24, women are outperforming men by a 7 pt share margin among new registrants.