I'm mystified why you think these two things are related in any way.
There is no logic map for the Republican Mind.
I'm mystified why you think these two things are related in any way.
It’s an empty, bizarre, meaningless gesture. I’m all for doing something to help them but this is just wacky. If there were native Americans getting lost in that area by all means put up the signs but this is just some attempt to be super pc.
I just don't care enough to judge whether it's dumb or not. It isn't for me, and that's fine. If this was wealthy white idiots pushing for it, then yeah this might be just silly virtue signaling. But it isn't. So, whatever.
I just don't care cause it has nothing to do with me. The impact it will have on my life, or any other person's life besides the sign makers, is absolutely zero. So, it's nothing. Harmless, meaningless, less than trivial.
That someone would believe that it indicates the world has gone insane says more about them than it does anything. And what it says is that they're an unserious person, and beyond stupid.
Same crap at UMaine Orono so don’t come to Alfond or you will get upset
Oh no! School vouchers aren’t working exactly how I wanted them to work??? Cry harder
No Native Americans lived in Massachusetts then, one must assume
As I said, beyond stupid.
I feel like the migrant busses from Florida and Texas are only going to just go to the suburbs to drop and run.
Maybe it's time to start charging the bus companies and drivers with crimes.
Don't charge the drivers, they're just poor saps. Fine the carriers and the criminal demagogues who hire them for reckless endangerment. Leave the workers alone; go for the money behind it. And when bad things happen like illness sue the Nazis into penury.
Time to apply deterrence to the scum.
No, I'm sorry. They're complicit and they don't need to be party to what is kidnapping and trafficking. Charge them.
No, I'm sorry. They're complicit and they don't need to be party to what is kidnapping and trafficking. Charge them.
So you're fine with charging the pilot and cabin crew with crimes for helping transport the lady from Texas to get healthcare?
So you're fine with charging the pilot and cabin crew with crimes for helping transport the lady from Texas to get healthcare?