Let me give you a few details on costs to travel. Let's say the average bus costs 3.50 per statute mile. Add in the relief driver and the overnight motel rooms for the driver(s), etc. you have roughly 4 dollars per mile, maybe more. If you chartered an aircraft as the Southwest Conference teams do, it would cost roughly 8.50 per nautical mile. ( they pay more down there, almost 12 dollars, but have a crappy aircraft that they use)
so how does this compare? here's a few trips.
Mankato to Big Rapids. 666 statute miles on the bus, costing $5328 @ 4 dollars) overall it takes over 11 hours. If you chartered, it costs $6290, and takes 1 hour 19 minutes.
Mankato to Bowling Green. 686 miles driving, taking 11, hours 23 minutes, costing over 5488 dollars. Flying into Toledo, 1 hour 42 minutes, costing 8100. Now figure in the cost of spending at least one additional night in a hotel for the team, etc, etc.
Here is another one:Bemidji to Big Rapids- 867 statute miles, taking 14 hours 9 minutes each way and costing roughly $7000 just for the bus. On a charter, 460 Nautical miles, costing 7820 and tasking 1 hour and 38 minutes.
So I ask you, isn't a charter the way to go even if it is somewhat more expensive? I mean isn't the kids time and the coaches time worth something? And what about the extra motel rooms you most likely will buy using the bus, oh and the extra meals for everyone too, and what about the class time missed, shouldn't that count for something?. .. Are we really going to force coaches and kids to ride the bus for 14 hours non stop twice in four days?
Also the Alaska schools. Getting in and out of our cities is not easy on the scheduled carriers. BUT.. What if you flew them into Minneapolis every time and then chartered them out to where ever. If one Alaska school stayed in Alaska, you could fly a team into minny and they could airline out from there, and another team out of minny to their game, essentially every weekend. Couldn't you save money on airline tickets, and at least two extra days every trip? The big issue with the airplane is how to get it to the team since empty legs cost money just like full ones, which can run up the price big time if you aren't careful..
The airplane has a big advantage when the bus has to go out of a straight line to get to the destination, like around Lake Michigan. I'll work out the trips to Hunstville if anyone wants them.