The countdown continues. An interesting take on NMU's stance and opinions:
Interesting tid-bits: Biggest hangup? Travel subsidies. Teams want to know they can get to UAH in minimal hops without it looking like a remake of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. UAH's athletic director retorted that "We shoot rockets into space. We have an airport, an interstate, and a half-million people in the metro area."
I'm pretty sure that was a dig at the rest of the WCHA. Only other schools with an Interstate are BGSU and LSSU. The Alaska Interstates are unsigned, and only partially built to national freeway standards.
UAH will also submit a 10 team schedule matrix. I presume that would be immediately implemented and UAH granted membership for the 2013-14 season. This would immediately lessen concerns by WCHA schools in traveling to Alaska twice a schedule year.
Also burried at the bottom: The WCHA hopes to finalize staffs and budgets; finalize conference tournament plans (expected to alternate between Xcel and Van Andel); discuss standardized web streaming; and a redesigned WCHA logo.
In other words, someone involved with the WCHA is either thinking identically to us in this thread, or they're just stealing our ideas.
If it's the latter, where can I submit my resume to Bruce McLeod?