Re: The new Super League is going down the tubes.
Nice cop out. We have plenty of time, and the bandwidth is free. Go ahead. Educate us.
Why are people upset? Maybe because the teams that jumped to the LTHC dismantled what was still a pretty strong conference. And they did it for no good reason.
You have no idea that it was "for no good reason." As for the details - well, Apple doesn't have to tell you why they make decision on how/when to release an iPod, and neither do the NCHC schools have to explain themselves to you. Suffice it say, programs do not normally make decision the expect to be bad for their futures. They may be wrong - mistakes get made all the time - but that's just uneducated prognostication on your part. Beyond that it's none of your business, nor mine. I want my school to so what's best for it. Considering how drastic the change is, I am pretty confident they feel it's a good deal. And I don't care if you feel the same, because they're not trying to please you.
I understand why people are upset, it's just not my problem. If you don't want to think positively about the future - if you'd prefer to cry over split milk, that's your choice.
MTU, for example, just spent a fortune on a new coach with the understanding that they would be competing in one of the two best leagues in college hockey.
Oops. Not my problem. We have contracts for a reason. MTU should've gotten one. Any competent risk manager or attorney would've told them that. Presumably, MTU has attorneys?
BSU built a new arena and thought they were joining a prestigious league, only to be told that they can go pound sand.
See above. Oops. No attorneys in Bemidji?
The league tournament, which was hands down the finest in the sport, will no longer exist either. All ten schools in the old WCHA will feel the brunt of that when the check from league headquarters is missing a 0 or two.
The NCHC schools weighed this, and made a decision. It's a big check, they knew what they were giving up.
there was also the ability to tell recruits that they would be competing in the WCHA against some of the best teams.
there was also the ability to tell recruits that they would be competing in the WCHA against some of the best teams. There was also the revenue generated by the league tournament. Again, the fans that bought all those tickets didn't come from Colorado. Those fans have just been robbed of a premier event and every school - even those precious LTHC schools - are robbed of a huge check from the conference.
As for the check, that's factored in. There will be other events for fans. If you're referring specifically to the fans in the Twin Cities, well, (a) not my problem and (b) talk to the University of Minnesota. For those of us outside the Twin Cities, there is the prospect of a better tourney now. One that travels.
Sure, you may be placated because these schools in the LTHC are more "elite" than those left behind
I didn't choose the Big 10. I would still choose to stick with Wisconsin and Minnesota. That wasn't an option.
And if so much as one school has to shutter its program (Hello Huntsville) the NCAA is very likely to remove our exemption and the tournament will go back to 12 teams.
That would suck. But talk to the CCHA that denied them first. Talk to the new 8-team WCHA that has plenty of room for them. This was a problem long before the NCHC, and will still be a problem long after. I don't see the eastern conferences stepping up either. No one conference, least of all one that hasn't even started play yet, can shoulder the blame for losing Alabama-Huntsville. It's a tad hypocritical to trot out a holier-than-though attitude when you're on the losing side of "elitism," but embrace it when it serves your interests.
Denver already had the WCHA headquarters, with all it's history and Championships and the best conference in the Hockey. the Super League will be a step down, so I don't really think Colorado gains, and in the end, Denver might not, either.
Well, I disagree, not a step down. And I was talking about Colorado Springs.