First Time Long Time
as far as I can tell the only reason is to give st cloud fans one more thing to whine about...
It's giving UND one more thing to obsess about too, especially if St. Cloud does get in.
as far as I can tell the only reason is to give st cloud fans one more thing to whine about...
It's giving UND one more thing to obsess about too, especially if St. Cloud does get in.
... if St. Cloud does get in.
That would be so awesome. I hope they do.
obsess? maybe jan is a thinking a bit too much about herself these days...
Keep telling yourself that.
Better yet go read your own board, the venom being spewed over there is quite funny.
Keep telling yourself that.
Better yet go read your own board, the venom being spewed over there is quite funny.
in response to some jan trollers? maybe you need to figure out which fans are obsessed... you would not catch me reading let alone posting over at the st cloud fan board, but I don't think you find many st cloud fans doing it either.
I am actaully going to agree with you for once.I wish those guys would post that crap over here so everybody can get a laugh reading it.
As for the WCHA, I think they screwed up inviting the lower Michigan schools. They should have just invited LSSU and Alaska stayed and enjoyed a 8 team conference.
Most of the venom is because if it is even remotely true that SCSU is a possible NCHC candidate of the future, then the whole idea of making the conference is confirmed as plain stupid(I would've been fine if UND remained in the WCHA). Why go and make a conference then to just invite a school that you initially tried to separate yourself from? However, it is granted there are some that just plain think SCSU is a second-rate school and don't want any association. Hockey or otherwise.Yeah most of the venom was a response to no one from St. Cloud, just a reaction to us even being mentioned as a part of the NCHC, but again, keep telling yourself we're the obsessed ones.
As for reading other boards, sometimes its good to actually see what other fans think, maybe get to know them a bit.
But hey, if you want to stay in your own little dream world, I can understand not wanting to see what else is out there.
Could be scary for a simple minded being like yourself.
Considering the invites came after the AHA/CCHA meetings, I don't think the WCHA had much choice.
If they don't invite them those programs have nowhere to go and fold.
Most of the venom is because if it is even remotely true that SCSU is a possible NCHC candidate of the future, then the whole idea of making the conference is confirmed as plain stupid(I would've been fine if UND remained in the WCHA). Why go and make a conference then to just invite a school that you initially tried to separate yourself from? However, it is granted there are some that just plain think SCSU is a second-rate school and don't want any association. Hockey or otherwise.
However, I am amused if you are trying insinuate that UND is obsessed about SCSU. Does Jan think she's Marcia now?![]()
What I put in bold is how I pretty much see it. Maybe the NCHC school's are sitting on info that we aren't seeing but yeah, conjecture is how I see it and it'll remain conjecture until the NCHC officially begins conference play.The entire league was a stupid idea whether SCSU was in it or not.
There won't be a big uptick in recruiting, there won't be one in money or exposure.
These schools simply do not have the name recognition with non hockey fans to draw any sort of audience and the hockey fans were going to be watching anyway if the games were on.
Any "benefit" I've seen mentioned has been conjecture from fans, most of whom already thought of their schools as superior to begin with.
The whole league was an unnecessary reaction to the Big Ten.
And no, we aren't Marcia, we're St. Cloud, a D2 central Minnesota school with no national recognition or name to speak of and that's just fine by me.
However, your fans seem to spew a whole lot of venom our way be it for the nickname or whatever else.
I do think it's funny how many people blame us for the nickname.
You really think St. Cloud has that kind of clout?
Priceless, I never said it was the WCHA's problem, just that it was the WCHA's reaction to nothing coming out of the AHA/CCHA talks.
They did what they felt they had to do, if they all accept, then we need a 12th.
What I was getting at is that the WCHA was under no obligation to invite those schools; it is probably a detriment to them. They are likely to be a 1-bid league whether those programs fold or not; whether it's a 12 or 16 team tournament. So it would be nothing to them if those schools hung up the skates.
And yet, they did what NO ONE else has done in this entire debacle: they did what was best for the whole sport, not just their own short-sighted purposes. For that the schools that make up the "new" WCHA should be commended. If karma exists they have a mountain of it on their side now.
The LTHC can get a little positive karma by inviting UAH...but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Either way it's a 28 game schedule.
Considering the invites came after the AHA/CCHA meetings, I don't think the WCHA had much choice.
If they don't invite them those programs have nowhere to go and fold.
I think they are also waiting to hear from Moorhead before hopefully extending an invite to UAH.
Also, I've already talked to several season-ticket holders who say that when the WCHA becomes a de-facto D-II conference, they will no longer be interested.
Yes it is a 28 game schedule, but with 8 teams everybody goes to alaska twice and get four extra games. with a 12 team league a team only goes once and hence only get s 2 extra games. In this day and age a team getting four extra games every year is sure a nice thing to say to a recruit and nice advantage to have. Is it the end of the world? no, but it would have been nice.
Despite that, I still see the future recruiting battle ground as follows which obviously speaks volumes to why all this happened in the first place.
1 Big Ten / Hockey East
5 ECAC / Atlantic
Then, the recruiting battleground will establish a new standard with the winning programs that result from these new affiliations.
Also all the new under .500 teams will struggle to keep up with the recruiting battle.
Well after WMU and BGSU decide they aren't coming to the WCHA (crossing fingers) and SCSU get's snatched up by the Butt Hurts (double finger crossing), how many teams will the WCHA have? I think I count 8. Then the WCHA can add Huntsville.