Would you consider it "off topic" if one were to ask whether you included your comment and the two replies it generated as part of the 56...er 57....er 58 ... er 59....replies that were off topic?
Ask away. My original nomination of Ned Harkness turned out to be off topic in its justification [pure coaching ability], and all my subsequent comments including this were pretty much off topic, as were responses to them. It needs a ouija board to stay on an unspecified topic.
Determining the "best" now appears quite straightforward except for assigning point values to categories such as W - L regular season record, W - L playoff record, Championships, total wins, awards, and maybe career length - all nice objective, numerical data, nothing subjective or personal or academic or financial or unrelated to DI men's ice hockey W - L records.
I missed this at first, but in my rather feeble defense so did many of the others who strayed from the topic and were repremanded for doing so, and many who weren't.