Right, his reason might have been "I like this other person better" but that didn't work out so on to plan B.
I'm with MissThundercat here. He had his chance and chose otherwise.
You're too old to understand how online dating works, Kep. Stay in your lane. ;-)
It should b be e a war crime to have more than ten kids.
It should b be e a war crime to have more than two kids.
I feel a little jealous of people's ability to hook up and not feel anything after.
Or during. Depending who you're with!
If you don't feel anything during at least one of you is not doing it right.
If you don't feel anything during at least one of you is not doing it right.
I had a 66 year old pasty white male message me on an app and ask if I could help him indulge his fetish (trans girls).