Re: SCSU Huskies 2010 Off-Season Thread
Believe me now?
The department is facing a $500,000 deficit for the 2012 fiscal year. Football cost $817,418 in the 2008-09 school year and made $791,798. That was a loss of $25,620. Other sports lost more (see expenses/revenues chart on Page 1A).
Lets see.... 500,000 of an athletic deficit divided by 25,620, my math makes Football operation losses for SCSU to be just a shade over 5% of its total of red ink. 25,000 should be easily raised by any decent university and booster club. 50 guys chipping in 500 bucks a piece. Easily done to get the program back into the black. Its been done before. Hell, Michigan Tech did actually cut their football program for about a week back in late 2003/early 2004, can't remember if it was December or January. Their alumni got together, pooled their recourses, and brought the program back with the understanding that the Football alumni would pay for the football team. And with all of that termoil and guys transfering out, the Huskies still went on and had a pretty dang good year that year. Finished the year 9-2 I believe, played at Michigan Stadium that was a big fundraiser for them, and hosted North Dakota that year in the second round of the playoffs.
Let's see, an institution that has an enrollment of 16,000, has two DI atheletic programs, just built a new football stadium, and is planning on expanding and remodleling the NHC, is contemplating dropping the one program that is the main drawing card of any institution (I know some will disagree with that satement, but football in the fall on a Saturday afternoon is a tradition?!) Tell me this isn't a government run program! Heads should be rolling off shoulders so fast, it would make one's head spin (no pun intended). We start with Kurtz, the idiot has to go. He didn't know this was happening? Give me a break! The lack of vision on this man's part is dispicable! When other schools like the No. Dak's and So. Dak's decided to go DI Kurtz should have been right behind them in making SCSU DI in all sports. IMHO this pres. should clean house in the athletic dept. administration and get some people who have vision and can do attitude to elavate all sports to DI level. Bet most if not all alumni would support that.
Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying as SCSU should have gone D1, as that you're looking at easily increasing your athletic budget by about 10 million a year easily. Frankly, the Dakota's could get away with it given that they're the state's flagship schools, and thus are going to get a little more support statewide than what SCSU as it would still be a distant second fiddle to that school in the Twin Cities.
But getting more more fundraising and community involvement is always a good idea, especially when it comes to football, which probably is the single most important sport when it comes to getting students to buy into the schools brand. Start of the new school year, and its Saturday and Joe Freshman is looking for something to do. Likely, it involves football. Now, he could just sit in his dorm room and what some BCS schools go at it, which is fine if he wants to. But if he has a few friends that are going to the game on campus, which I'm assuming is free or at the least very cheap for students to go to. He goes there, makes more friends there at the game, and maybe even trades in that Minnesota Goofers hat he wears for one with the SCSU logo on it. Then, Hockey season rolls around some of his friends wanna go to the hockey games. You bet he's going to be there, and not just for the Minnesota and Wisconsin game either. And a good chance he'll be sporting SCSU colors as well. I'm going to assume nothing more would chap the collective bungholes around here than some doushbag freshman that goes to the hockey games wearing Goofer Garb, sitting in the student section, and actively chearing for the Goofers.