The frog had been boiling on abortion rights for years. The anti-Abortion side has been after banning it for 40+ years with laws all over every state they hold, pushing judges every chance they get while pro-choice sat there and expected the Supreme Court to save them. Suddenly they realized the danger they were in around 10pm on November 8, 2016, when it was already too late.
Bernie Bros and Jill Stein voters didn't need to be bothered with such trivial matters.
Neither could the people who even at a moment like this divide and attack.
Get it yet? Either we all join hands and fight or we're done. No more selfishness. Put that bullsh-t away.
Vote was 5-4 with roberts dissenting with the libs.
enjoy rotting in hell, Susan. Honestly
someome outta play this and make her comment on it but she’s a spineless piece of **** so she won’t
Neither could the people who even at a moment like this divide and attack.
Get it yet? Either we all join hands and fight or we're done. No more selfishness. Put that bullsh-t away.
As for where we're at right now? With the utter stupidity of Justice Breyer if I were a betting man I would bet that the Court goes 6-3 long before we have Abortion Rights in the United States again. And there's not a whole hell of a lot Democrats can do about it. Manchin and Sinema are not going to be any help here.
Tell that to the Bernie Bros.
Roberts didn't want to go down in history as Roger Taney for Women.
The Fabulous Five will always be known for this. In their obits it will be in the second or third sentence: "notorious for the decision which..."
FFS some people never learn.
You mean 7-2. The Court is 6-3.
This was a 5-4 decision. I expect Roberts to hold.
Isn’t it hovey who always says to be careful on what precedents are set?
Private bounty hunting is ugly. I think red states do this on a lot now.
so Dems either fox it or do it back.
This might actually help Dems in midterms, unless they enact all kinds of bounty laws on gay marriage, etc which will excite all the bigots and scum to keep voting
Yeah...cause we're the problem here....