This might seem picky, but I think a more accurate recount of my posts would be the Democrats will do nothing, at least with respect to "court packing."
First, even they understand it's a silly and futile gesture. As soon as the Republicans gain control, they'll just add more seats (if necessary). Lather, rinse, repeat.
Second, we're not that far removed from 2008, when a "blue wave" swept the Democrats into control of both the legislative and executive branch, only to see it pizzed away two years later after Obama and the Democrats burned every ounce of political capital they had to produce the Chrysler K car of health insurance.
Finally, the public doesn't care about the Supreme Court. If you walked down your main street today at noon and asked 10 random people to tell you what Hobby Lobby or Janus or Obergefell or any of those other cases not named Roe were about, I'd be shocked if you had one person who got one case right. Chuck and Nancy and Joe know that, and they aren't going to screw up whatever power they have to silence the shrieking of a few.