Hug someone you care about...
Except we said the same things when Dubya and his cronies pulled the same crap with an added war or two Slap Shot. Hell we even had the extra proof of change with the Dems getting control of Congress in an effort to thwart him. Then we elected Obama and thought "Hey see, the people with brains have shown they support the people who do good!" and it took all of one year before that was proven completely wrong. Then it was a complete backslide because people forget and only pay attention to the stuff right in front of them.
Everything is going to be bad optics. No matter what. Spending is going be an issue, raising taxes is going to be, expanding Medicare, the Green New Deal, Voting Rights, adding states...hell if Biden doesnt say "God Bless You!" after a sneeze they will turn it into something about how he hates God. And the MSM will be party to it as well because they need the controversy for views and clicks. Well just like when your gf accuses you of cheating all the time when you dont...sooner or later you might as well earn the disdain. If everything we do is Socialism or Overreach or Judicial Activism anyways...
Kep is right...power is worthless if you dont use it. Our voters are fickle...the coalition is fleeting and if Biden tries to govern based on popularity of ideas then he wont last long. (and he will lose at least one house of Congress pretty quickly) The biggest complaint we have heard since I started watching politics in my youth was Dems are wishy washy and never believe in their ideas enough to actually do them when given the chance. They play by the rules and hope that will be enough. Well guess what, it never is. If Bill Belicheck wins Super Bowls by bending or breaking the rules and never gets punished for it, the other teams are committing malpractice not to do the same thing to even the playing field. Until such time as the GOP will go back to at least playing within the rules, it is time for the Dems to start acting like they actually want to win the game, not just do good enough and pat themselves on the back for moral victories.
Otherwise we are basically the NCAA watching as dozens of colleges commit the same crimes SMU did and not doing anything about it cause we feel bad we destroyed that program. Having the bazooka is not enough of a deterrent anymore.
Everything is going to be bad optics. No matter what. Spending is going be an issue, raising taxes is going to be, expanding Medicare, the Green New Deal, Voting Rights, adding states...hell if Biden doesnt say "God Bless You!" after a sneeze they will turn it into something about how he hates God. And the MSM will be party to it as well because they need the controversy for views and clicks. Well just like when your gf accuses you of cheating all the time when you dont...sooner or later you might as well earn the disdain. If everything we do is Socialism or Overreach or Judicial Activism anyways...
Kep is right...power is worthless if you dont use it. Our voters are fickle...the coalition is fleeting and if Biden tries to govern based on popularity of ideas then he wont last long. (and he will lose at least one house of Congress pretty quickly) The biggest complaint we have heard since I started watching politics in my youth was Dems are wishy washy and never believe in their ideas enough to actually do them when given the chance. They play by the rules and hope that will be enough. Well guess what, it never is. If Bill Belicheck wins Super Bowls by bending or breaking the rules and never gets punished for it, the other teams are committing malpractice not to do the same thing to even the playing field. Until such time as the GOP will go back to at least playing within the rules, it is time for the Dems to start acting like they actually want to win the game, not just do good enough and pat themselves on the back for moral victories.
Otherwise we are basically the NCAA watching as dozens of colleges commit the same crimes SMU did and not doing anything about it cause we feel bad we destroyed that program. Having the bazooka is not enough of a deterrent anymore.