Re: RPI Pick to Click - 2011-12
It looks like Diebold isn't playing tonight, so if I'm allowed to change my pick, I'll go with Neal.
Bryce [keep it in the goalie fraternity]
Sorry, guys, but that's the danger of picking a goalie: he's not guaranteed to start. If there's documentation that Diebold was injured, I'll change the picks, but, unfortunately I think the three of us are stuck with zero RPI points from last night's game.
And, no, I'm not just saying that because I didn't submit an alternate pick. If you still don't believe me, check this post from the game against Notre Dame.
So, to return to our previously scheduled weekly recap post:
cnor didn't pick up a point last night, but he held onto first place for the week, albeit tied with Ralph, who picked up a pair with Pleskach's late goal. This was cnor's fourth weekly win while it was just Ralph's first. That means that we're down to one regular who has not earned himself that extra bonus point: one Mr. FlagDUDE08.
Ralph took back first place from GRussinko with his weekly win while cnor vaulted himself from 7th to 3rd place. 4th through 11th are separated by a grand total of five points (39 for mackek2 to 34 for viz) with no more than one point separating any consecutive places within that group. To say that there's a logjam in the middle of the pack is an understatement. The only other big movement this weekend was MavHockey failing to submit picks and falling from 4th to 8th.
The top choices on the weekend were:
Friday - RPI: Tinordi's goal and assist (nobody); Dartmouth: Pinkston's first goal of his career (nobody)
Saturday - RPI: Schroeder's goal (cnor, ehf, and Ralph); Harvard: Ford's pair of assists (nobody)
Tuesday - RPI: Leonard's goal (nobody) or CJ's goal and assist (nobody); AIC: Pleskach's goal (Ralph, RKarger, and RPIHFH)
Results! (and
6 + 1 points
Ralph Baer
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
0 points