Re: RPI Off-Season Thread 2012: An Off-Season to Be Optimistic
This has been posted on another thread but wanted to make sure my own RPI group of posters see it. If anyone has any imput from some other point of view, be my guest. For the time being I am absolutely baffled.
Let me see if I can put what has happened here (no TV for the ECAC tournament) in perspective and even begin to grasp it. There are literally hundreds of outlets available for anyone with any kind of viable product and even a shread of competence to get it on the air. Even myself, with nothing but standard cable have a choice of over 70 channels. That was more than enough for me to watch parts of both the NYS high school hockey and basketball championships and most of the Hockey East tournament. With so many outlets competing for some kind of programming somebody will watch, I find it almost impossible to even comprehend how a certain staff could not get any of our tournament on TV but others manage to get the following on.
1) Verifably insane people, who also must be pretty money hungry, risking life and limb to drive 18 wheelers across frozen bodies of water in Alaska. Not a week goes by that I can't watch the "polar bear" Hugh Rowlands driving his load through Hennigan Pass and Whitefish on the way to Big Bear or wherever the hell he is going.
2) Guys who really need to get a life travelling all over the US looking for garages, barns or attics that are filled with old junk that has been laying there for decades so they can sift through it.
3) Functional illiterates driving rickity boats around swamps in the south chasing alligators.
4) Borderline sleezballs and con men (three generations worth) running a seedy pawn shop in Las Vegas. Come to think of it even the catatonic Chum Lee, the only non relative on the show, would be an improvement over the bunch that is now running the ECAC.
5) Unshaven, unshowered kooks and degenerates sitting at a table playing Texas Hold Em.
OK, if people can get all of the above on the airwaves, how in the name of fill in your own diety can the ECAC brass not get any of the conference tournament on??? That obviously leads to some questions such as how do these hacks keep their jobs??? Who the hell hired them to begin with??? Is there anyone else somewhere who could actually do the job instead of these clowns who will do nothing but eventually lead our league to extinction???
I will simply never be able to "get" or even remotely understand how this happened. Could there possibly be some rational explanation like the Atlantic City folks (hopefully not the mob) who lined the pockets of our brass with money dictated there was to be no TV coverage in an attempt to draw more people to their gambling mecca (curious place for a college conference to be holding their tournament to begin with). That, of course, would mean we got sold out. It better be somthing along those lines, otherwise the only possible answer is that our league is being run by stooges. While the mob reference above is kind of tongue in cheek, absolutely nothing would shock me about the present administration of the ECAC.
This has been posted on another thread but wanted to make sure my own RPI group of posters see it. If anyone has any imput from some other point of view, be my guest. For the time being I am absolutely baffled.
Let me see if I can put what has happened here (no TV for the ECAC tournament) in perspective and even begin to grasp it. There are literally hundreds of outlets available for anyone with any kind of viable product and even a shread of competence to get it on the air. Even myself, with nothing but standard cable have a choice of over 70 channels. That was more than enough for me to watch parts of both the NYS high school hockey and basketball championships and most of the Hockey East tournament. With so many outlets competing for some kind of programming somebody will watch, I find it almost impossible to even comprehend how a certain staff could not get any of our tournament on TV but others manage to get the following on.
1) Verifably insane people, who also must be pretty money hungry, risking life and limb to drive 18 wheelers across frozen bodies of water in Alaska. Not a week goes by that I can't watch the "polar bear" Hugh Rowlands driving his load through Hennigan Pass and Whitefish on the way to Big Bear or wherever the hell he is going.
2) Guys who really need to get a life travelling all over the US looking for garages, barns or attics that are filled with old junk that has been laying there for decades so they can sift through it.
3) Functional illiterates driving rickity boats around swamps in the south chasing alligators.
4) Borderline sleezballs and con men (three generations worth) running a seedy pawn shop in Las Vegas. Come to think of it even the catatonic Chum Lee, the only non relative on the show, would be an improvement over the bunch that is now running the ECAC.
5) Unshaven, unshowered kooks and degenerates sitting at a table playing Texas Hold Em.
OK, if people can get all of the above on the airwaves, how in the name of fill in your own diety can the ECAC brass not get any of the conference tournament on??? That obviously leads to some questions such as how do these hacks keep their jobs??? Who the hell hired them to begin with??? Is there anyone else somewhere who could actually do the job instead of these clowns who will do nothing but eventually lead our league to extinction???
I will simply never be able to "get" or even remotely understand how this happened. Could there possibly be some rational explanation like the Atlantic City folks (hopefully not the mob) who lined the pockets of our brass with money dictated there was to be no TV coverage in an attempt to draw more people to their gambling mecca (curious place for a college conference to be holding their tournament to begin with). That, of course, would mean we got sold out. It better be somthing along those lines, otherwise the only possible answer is that our league is being run by stooges. While the mob reference above is kind of tongue in cheek, absolutely nothing would shock me about the present administration of the ECAC.