Re: RPI Hockey 2016 - 2017: Here we go again! I hope it's a fun ride.
Oh I'm well aware dexterity is almost never limited one way, being of mixed dexterity myself (as my uncle likes to put it, since he's the same way: mechanically left, electronically right). Same applies to Americans vs. European with dining utensils.
As it was fairly evident, trying to see what's going on and if there's anything that can be done about it in future years, assuming we ride out Appert's contract. I happened to notice said correlation with 2014-15. Obviously it's possible the debate is trying to compare apples to oranges, and if that's the case, so be it.
Sorry to be a pest here FD.. but you've hit upon one of my peeves which is that people who don't play hockey don't seem to understand that the way you shoot is not always correlated to the way you write. I am right handed and I shoot left. Most left handed shots I know are right handed. I read an article a while ago that Canadians are taught to hold the stick with their dominant hand on top whereas many Americans seem to think you should shoot with your dominant hand so there are more right handed shots coming out of the US these days.
As far as the opponents coming out of their end... doubt that matters much. What does matter is when it is in your end on the wall. There it is much easier to be on your forehand when you are trying to flip it out off the glass - or just keep your head up and eyes ahead while grabbing the puck off of the boards, or make a hard cross ice pass. If you don't think it is easier to stick handle on your forehand side just ask yourself... how many backhanded toe drags have you ever seen? Not so easy with the blade curving the other way of course but give a puck to anyone and have them stick handle and stop. I'll bet >90% of the time the puck is sitting on the forehand side of the blade when they finish.
Oh I'm well aware dexterity is almost never limited one way, being of mixed dexterity myself (as my uncle likes to put it, since he's the same way: mechanically left, electronically right). Same applies to Americans vs. European with dining utensils.
As it was fairly evident, trying to see what's going on and if there's anything that can be done about it in future years, assuming we ride out Appert's contract. I happened to notice said correlation with 2014-15. Obviously it's possible the debate is trying to compare apples to oranges, and if that's the case, so be it.