Doc, I don't have a problem with playing freshmen or anyone else. We do need to shake things up, but both Diebold and Merriam have shown that they can win in this league. It is just one more game, after that, give Kasdorf some experience and if he shows that he is a worthy NHL draftee, let him play.
Leadership is certainly a big problem, from the coaches on down. Someone has to step up and take charge. One captain and no assistants is not working. Give some of these kids leadership roles (and they don't have to be upperclassmen).
This seems to be the most frustrating start of a season since I have been watching RPI hockey.
As you know-i have been around a long time following the team. I am as frustrated as you are this year. I understand the philosophy some coaches have about maturation and allowing the senior class to lead. But i also see so many coaches relying heavily on their young classes from day one. Sure NCAA is different from wherever these boys have played previously. But they are not 13 year olds. These are young men, most age 20 and above. I would think by that stage most hockey skills are either there, or they are not. I remain completely unconvinced that this team does not have the talent to play with anyone. With the showing in the last 3 games-I would like to see what we have right now-and that means the first and second year classes get a shot at the most ice time for the next 3 games. After all, how much worse than 0-3 and being outscored 5-15 can we do? As usual this is my 2¢ and in this economy that is probably worth even less than usual. But being in my 49th year of following RPI hockey gives me a different perspective than most. Here's hoping tonight is the turn around we so badly need. Go Red!
How many odd-man or breaks did they have last night? 8? 10? I think I saw our defence on the drive back.
SA points out either year how many of our recruits wore Cs and As in Juniors. One would think that he could find more than one qualified for the role at RPI.Leadership is certainly a big problem, from the coaches on down. Someone has to step up and take charge. One captain and no assistants is not working. Give some of these kids leadership roles (and they don't have to be upperclassmen).
RPI football loses in overtime, 34-28. Fourth down "heroics" on both sides.
with all the scratches tonight (5 D-men....11 forwards) was the flu a factor.....breaking of team rules.....SA fed up? (I know I am).
certainly a valid speculation. Maybe "Fast Eddie Weaver" will get to the bottom of it (pun intended).Purely speculation, but it was likely Appert sending a message. Lee and Higgs, despite being dressed, didn't even see ice time until the second period.
certainly a valid speculation. Maybe "Fast Eddie Weaver" will get to the bottom of it (pun intended).
being that I didn't listen to the game could you explain what Mooers' is?I think Tom got to the bottom of it on the air. You don't play the right way, you show off Mooers'.
Not being a computer scientist, I have never actually used this rule, but I'm going to guess that he's referring to Mooers' Law, which reads as such:being that I didn't listen to the game could you explain what Mooers' is?
Ah, it. Mooers argued that information is at risk of languishing unused due not only on the effort required to assimilate it but also to any fallout that could arise from the discovery of information that conflicts with the users personal, academic or corporate interests. In interacting with new information, a user runs the risk of proving their work incorrect or even irrelevant. Instead, Mooers argued, users prefer to remain in a state of safety in which new arguments are ignored in an attempt to save potential embarrassment or reprisal from supervisors.[2]Not being a computer scientist, I have never actually used this rule, but I'm going to guess that he's referring to Mooers' Law, which reads as such:
An information retrieval system will tend not to be used whenever it is more painful and troublesome for a customer to have information than for him not to have it.