Re: RPI Hockey 2012-2013 Part 1: Pocket Protectors and Hockey Sticks
Do you read or do you just blindly hit 'reply'? Go back and re-read. Stop thinking EVERYTHING is written with you in mind. Trust me, it's not. I used your specific name for a specific point of note because I know how you make it all about you (still no answer from you on what I did specifically direct to you...waaaaiiiting...), as I did with reference to other posters. My question at the end of my post was not directed to you; it was directed to the group at large do get off that. Why don't you ANSWER what I DID ask you to provide....or you could make another childish remark to try and deflect. WHERE IS YOUR PROOF THAT PLAYERS DISCUSS INJURIES? You take no responsibility for what you put out there. I won't let you make false accusations about this team.Then why did you call me out on that specific phrase? "Lastly, FD, please produce evidence that any player on the team has discussed his, or another player's, injury in tweets, on fb or elsewhere."