Just checking back in-we had no power until this late last night and no cable or internet of any kind until about 2 hours ago. Not sure if either will remain on. Jenny and i are fine. We burned about 3 cords of wood in the fireplace for warmth and pioneer Jen cooked in the fireplace (to tell the truth the food was phenomenal that way). We were totally prepared for the storm and were fortunate to not get flooded (we moved all the cars a day before to higher ground). The water did come to within 20 feet of the house. Honestly, do not understand the long outages since the highest gust we measure was about 65mph and only about 3 inches of rain but this area was totally out and only 1/2 recovered. Biggest problem is gasoline. There just plain isnt any and if you wait on line for 4 hours you burn up more than the 5 gallons they will let you have. We would have packed up the cats and gone to the Adirondacks but they do not travel well, we were not sure if we could get enough gas to get back, and the alarm system battery back up here quit after about 12 hours.
On a worse note-two hockey friends saw both the Union games and reported back to us. Thoroughly disgusted with results. Not seeing them myself i have no clue where to lay the blame but I must say that it certainly is not the talent level. Laliberte, Neal, Haggerty, Kasdorf, Bailen, Curadi, Leonard, Bubela, and several others could play for any NCAA team in the country. Union is a very good team-but they are not an 11-5 goals better team than us in two games. Once again special teams determined these games. Union had 4 PP and one SH Saturday. You cannot ever give up 5 special teams goals in a game just like you cannot lose 2 consecutive 2 goal third period leads as we did before. I am not smart enough to know the answers but i sure see what problems exist. Jen and i are RPI fans forever. Hopefully someone has some answers since we both believe this team has just too much talent to get beaten this way. Go Red!! and it sure is g

reat to be back here with all you guys.(Not sure for how long as there is a noreaster predicted this week