Ralph Baer
Let's Go 'Tute!
Thanks to all who posted info about ECAC hockey streaming.
The High Peaks is an area that is one of the best kept secrets. Very few from down here at the Jersey Shore have any idea about the area and thank God for that!! Over the years Jenny and I tried to climb the top 40 peaks most over 4000 feet. We fell a couple short but added a few that were a bit less in height. At our ages now, we console ourselves simply by being able to climb up onto a bar stool for a potent potable.![]()
Couldn't help but chuckle a bit reading about "High Peaks" being 4k ft. with Mt. Lemmon (~10k ft.) in the window behind my laptop...still hoping for the day that the University of Arizona follows its in-state rival and makes the jump to D1. It would be a dream to have RPI play here in Tucson sometime soon!
Sezenack's model's ECAC predictions and his own.
BTW, he is not doing an ECAC standings contest this year.
Regionals and FF sites have been announced for the 2027 and 2028 seasons.
Ralph, you’ll be happy to know that Washington DC has been selected for the 2027 Frozen Four….
Regionals and FF sites have been announced for the 2027 and 2028 seasons.
Ralph, you’ll be happy to know that Washington DC has been selected for the 2027 Frozen Four….
So, what is the chance that RPI will be in the Frozen Four in 2027?![]()
You’ll have to check with Dr.D when it comes to the odds…
Yes. I still hope to finish in top six. Look what Dartmouth has done in 2 years.
Slim to none and slim just left the building.So, what is the chance that RPI will be in the Frozen Four in 2027?![]()
Slim to none and slim just left the building.
Consider this a PSA of sorts.
Do not recall a whole lot of fanfare or PR about it when Disney and Spectrum Cable (who services parts of 41 states with cable) settled their contract dispute a couple of years ago. However, to make a long story short, cable customers placed the blame for the dispute and the lost programming during the dispute squarely on the shoulders of Disney (who owns both ABC and the ESPN family of channels). As a result, there was both public pressure on Disney to settle the dispute and pressure from elected officials from the areas affected. Under these circumstances, it was pretty easy for Spectrum to turn the "negotiations" in to little more than taking Disney out behind a woodshed, stomp on Disney with a hobnailed boot, breaking their nose and crushing their face!!!
As a result of the settlement at gunpoint, all Spectrum customers meeting minimum requirements (a Spectrum TV Select Plus subscription for $99.99 a month) would now receive the Disney family of channels, Paramount and ESPN+ at no additional cost. However, since at least some of these free addons are internet bases (ESPN+ being one of them), you almost certainly would also have to subscribe to Spectrum internet at another $94.99 a month. Sounds like a lot but many Spectrum customers were doing just that even before the addons.
Before signing up for any expensive additional subscription, Spectrum customers should check if the already have the addons only don't know it due to the almost nonexistent publicity from any of the parties involved.
Thanks Ralph for posting. As usual cannot disagree with much that Sez concludes since he really does his homework and almost always comes to very astute conclusions. His descriptions of the other 11 teams are very helpful since I do not follow them nearly as closely. As far as his thoughts about RPI- I agree virtually 100% but with a slight extra emphasis. I believe we will be a slightly better offensive team than what we showed last year. I am hopeful that some of that improvement will also show up on the power play but that is impossible to predict at this stage. A really important point for me is that we have to become a better defensive team and play a much better style of team defense than we showed last year. iIt was so obviously apparent and accentuated in what I consider one of the most important aspects of the game - playing short handed. Special teams are on the ice for more minutes than we would often like to think about. And those situations can give rise to so many scoring opportunities for and against that it is imperative to perform well in those situations. we were simply abysmal last year when playing a man down (or god forbid two men down). Even a small improvement in those situations would make a marked difference in the outcomes of many games. I am not hockey savvy enough to know how one goes about correcting these deficiencies but I do know that a full team commitment to playing a total team defensive style is an absolute necessity. If we are able to do that, then I see no reason why this team cannot be in the middle of the pack and finish in a 5-8 position at the end of the regular season. Failing that, and i suspect we will have a very difficult time moving up in the standings much from where we finished last year.
I won’t take the time to verify this but I believe we have one of the most veteran teams in the league. We have 5 transfers in (4 of whom are graduate students) as well as several Covid-year returnees. This is time for the coaching staff and those veterans to show leadership and commitment to a 200 foot game that was sorely missing last year. Dr. D is absolutely right that without dramatic improvements in our defensive play (and that includes 3 zone play by the forwards) we will be headed for another disappointing season. If they do improve on the defensive end we should have enough talent to play at home in the first round and have an outside chance of competing for a bye.