McGowan, Laliberte, and Neal should be sure things to show up in the fall. Theoretically, both Haggerty and Schroeder could defer and Zalewski could show. I still doubt that Zalewski is coming this fall (despite the directory), and think that Schroeder is far more likely to defer than Haggerty.
Leonard should definitely be coming this fall. It makes a lot of sense for Bradley to defer a year (again, despite the directory) so he can learn to become a top 2 d-man and get lots of ice time and work on his offense in the USHL.
I think we are seeing some glimpses of Kasdorf's inconsistency. It'd be great to see him move to the BCHL or USHL for a year. Appert's quote seems to confirm that, although Kasdorf likely has not officially "signed" yet and could sign in April.
I think that Appert's quote regarding "signed" players who will show up is important - my understanding is that he is not allowed to talk about players who have not signed letters of intent; so even if we have already received a strong verbal from a player (i.e. they show up in Ralph's list), the technicality of not being signed could be an important distinction for Appert with regard to that quote.