Re: RPI 2011-12 Part V: Don't Stop Believing
Well said Bro. I did see this earlier today. I'm sure that Paul Stewart's hand was in on this one. Why would we want to improve the game, we just want to protect fiefdoms of Stewart and Hagwell. The lack of transparency that shrouds the ECAC seems to also permeate this situation. The league (s) would rather bureacracy rather than autonomy and better competition. TB, as you know I was the first one to report the bias that the league had toward Appert (confirmed by unfortunate comment by Stewart), be assured that I will follow this situation closely and report back.
"We certainly were not trying to overthrow any system or structure, and neither were the coaches,” Kelly wrote. “However, the coaches did deserve to have their views and vision for what College Hockey, Inc. could and should be properly addressed at the April convention. It appears from recent events that the Commissioners would rather not have this issue raised for legitimate discussion and deliberation.
Wodon got reaction from a few veteran college hockey coaches and Steve Hagwell, ECAC commissioner and president of the Hockey Commissioners Association, on this situation, but did not speak with Kelly.
These are quotes from that article.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm Steve Hagwell doing things in the dark w/no explination and Adam Woden getting half the story who woulda thunk !!!!w
May also shed some light on the beef Shagwell has w/SA thus RPI.My understanding is he is one of the driving forces in College Hockey Inc.and I believe past president.Would love to hear from my conspiricy theory expert ADad.Well was going to spend the rest of the evening reading college hockey news but Im going to skip and read the National Enquirer much more infomative !!!!
Well said Bro. I did see this earlier today. I'm sure that Paul Stewart's hand was in on this one. Why would we want to improve the game, we just want to protect fiefdoms of Stewart and Hagwell. The lack of transparency that shrouds the ECAC seems to also permeate this situation. The league (s) would rather bureacracy rather than autonomy and better competition. TB, as you know I was the first one to report the bias that the league had toward Appert (confirmed by unfortunate comment by Stewart), be assured that I will follow this situation closely and report back.