Could really not expect much better news given the injuries they had. If it is even possible to think about returning next week-the injuries could not possibly be as severe as first feared. But then again, these are hockey players-if this was baseball, they would be on the 60 day disabled list and perhaps out for most of the season. I guess hockey players just heal faster.
O'Grady, however is a different situation. You just never know with concussions and you absolutely cannot take any chances since the damage appears to be cumulative. As physicians, we know so much more now and have so much better testing that we had 30-40 years ago. But we are still very much in the dark about concussion. Each case has to be taken on it's own. We have had some very severe episodes with RPI boys and even more so with former RPI boys in the NHL(Pothier and Tapper)and these injuries can be career ending. Here's hoping Marty is symptom free soon and back on the ice-we miss him.