My memory is that there were far less injuries in the old days of a severe nature. There were lots of minor things since the faces weren't covered. Lot of cuts and scrapes and more teeth lost. But i honestly can't recall too many neck, knee or shoulder injuries like we see now. Troyboy has it right-it is a very different game now. The boys are bigger (in my day a big forward was 175-180 and a big defenseman was 185-190. The size difference alone accounts for some of the changes but these kids today are just so much faster also and everyone is in the weight room and getting built, and cut, and massive. Back in the sixties there was so much less emphasis on that. I love the game as it is, don't get me wrong, but i really do yearn for the way it was played back then. Kids now are encased in padding and head gear and feel invincible-they keep their sticks up high and their elbows likewise.