The Sicatoka
Kicizapi Cetan
Well ... there's smoke ...
Well ... there's smoke ...
Am I a cynic or a skeptic?
Here's what I see happening: RoMo raises a couple million. Nowhere near the $7MM they want. Why would they be able to? UAA and UAH have been getting after it for a while and have been able to raise only a few mill each. RoMo isn't going to their former pro players for bucketloads of cash - I've played as many NHL games as their entire band of alums. So they announce that they'll reinstate for a year. But only a year. After that, no more RoMo hockey. And they get what they're really after: the bloodsucking lawsuit because a few kids don't get to play a couple college hockey games goes away.
"RMU press release when they cut hockey: we have had historically massive donations and are way ahead of where we hoped to be. RMU press release when they discuss reinstating hockey: this can only happen if we get $7m of donations in the next 2 weeks."
The group formed by the former players is pushing this, so there is some legitimacy to it. The goal is $7M over five years (or $1.4M/year).
The GoFundMe is already over $400K. They need to scrape together $1M (still a tall order) in the next two weeks. Hard, but doable.
The last part isn't true. There was discussion, but there was never a vote from that body to cut (or retain) the hockey programs. As you noted, that decision rests squarely on the shoulders of the president (at least based on what has been released to the public at this point.)Nothing's going to change while the incumbent president remains in office. IIRC, the decision to cut the two hockey programs was his and his alone; the Board of Trustees was never informed or consulted.
One week to go and unless there is a LOT of money coming in directly to the school out of public view, it is not looking good for RMU hockey. The GoFundMe has only gathered $38k and the school wants to see $1.5M just for this season alone. Are the Penguins or some other corporation going to step in and save the team this week? Or is this outcome exactly what the RMU admins wanted: Give fans a chance to foot the bill and they didn't, so now the schools' decision is officially justified in their eyes?
That's a fair assumption. Who wants to give money to a school that just announced they're swimming in cash? Restore the teams with some of that $104 million already raised and THEN ask for contributions. The way they're doing it instead feels like extortion.
Well clearly someone at RMU "reallocated" the money that was previously budgeted for 2021-22 hockey, so changes can be made. The easiest change to make - put the hockey money back into the hockey program's budget. If there was no hockey budget for this year, well there is yet another smoking gun.The money might have been given for a specific use.
today is july 29th... the RMU deadline is july 31st.
they are not even close [$38,375] to reaching their $250k goal <>. yeah, i know, they are collecting funds in other ways as well - but this small amount is a thermometer for the situation.
while i think some tooth fairy will show up and save the day (probably already has, backstage) it's easy to see that the public, people, fans, are tired.
and as if they were the only program. in a way UAA (which is also not there yet <>) and UAH are somewhat on the same boat.
fans are spent, running on empty. it shouldn't be them to carry the burden...
and even if they are able to re-instate all three of these programs, this money that's being raised is not infinite.
- will RMU admin get what they want anyway?
- will UAH cancel their program for the fourth time?
- will UAA join fairbanks to make only one team for the UA-system?
this soap-opera still has a few seasons in it...
Of course it should fall to the fans. Where else would it fall? And corporate donations are really just donations from deep-pocketed fans. Maybe you are looking for a fairy godfather.
Most NCAA sports are run at a deficit; they don't ask fans to cover the entire cost of the programs.
Powers &8^]