RMU president Howard doubled down on dropping hockey, blaming it on lack of revenue, among other reasons. One
report quoted him calling hockey the school’s “most expensive D-I sport,” and blaming $1 million in expenditures (total for both teams) per season, the location and needs for upgrades at the Island Sports Center, limited ticket sales and donations and an inability to offset those costs through conference payouts and television revenues. Another
report quoted him stating “Ice hockey has been our most expensive D-I sport, in part due to the low ticket sales and limited donations, as well as having no access to things like guaranteed game opportunities, conference revenue or television contract payout,” and “Hockey’s direct expenses alone are already more than $1 million annually. That’s a margin, that’s the bottom line we end up paying out.” Of course, if the school had put ice making equipment in the new UPMC events Center then they could have had a state of the art arena on campus, but...
As for the cost of running the programs, on RMU's 2020 EADA report they reported total expenses for men's hockey at $1,448,957; women's hockey at $1,346,001; men's basketball at $2,220,578; women's basketball at $1,481,808; and football at $3,181,022. For operating expenses RMU reported men's hockey at $208,103; women's hockey at $174,893; men's basketball at $384,495; women's basketball at $238,685; and football at $179,179. So, I'm not sure what he used to come up with the combined $1 million number.
As for the low ticket sales, again, if they had been able to play at the UPMC Events Center it likely would have raised ticket revenue and quite possibly donations. As for guaranteed game opportunities, again I'm not sure, but I think he is referring to guarantees to play at other schools. Of course hockey does have some, but it is much less than for football and basketball and the same goes for conference revenue and television contracts. It seems he is just using those as excuses to cover his butt.
By the way, I've requested the 2020 NCAA reports from the 10 public Horizon League schools to see how much, if anything, the schools are getting in the way of ticket sales, donations, guaranteed game opportunities, conference revenue and television contract payouts. So fat IW-Milwaukee has already replied and I found a 2019 report for IUPUI online. Neither reported any media payouts and IWM reported just $15,000 for conference payouts for basketball while UIPUI reported $0, although both reported overall conference payouts of $109,157 (IWM) and $96,693 (IUPUI).
In the end it appears to come back to the current ice rink needing a lot of work and the school's refusal to put ice making equipment into the UPMC Events Center. Hell, one of the reports I linked to mentions the school re-adding men's track and field to stay at the NCAA required minimum number of sports, so it appears that this was planned and is not as sudden as it originally seemed.