So this was one of my more interesting weekends to date.
Thursday night, I drove PB, Brent, MNS, and Shirtless to the bar, got pulled over in the Yooper Loop/YLPOSAI.
Once they returned @ 2, I began playing catch up, stayed up til 4, and proceded to puke (apparently), and slept on PB's futon and refused to get in bed.
Woke up at noon yesterday, did this that and the other thing, then watched my team play a terrible game. (Shocker). Then I brought them to the bar, killed time at the sorority, and picked them up. Bbdl and PB agreed to come to a frat party with me. Stayed for a few, tried to hook bbdl up with two of my sisters, then we brought PB home. Bbdl and I drove around for awhile and returned to a livid PB who no longer wanted to date me. (Overreaction=now known as a PB). He ended up puking approximately 9 times.
Don't we make a great couple?

Brent, MNS, Mel, HN, CHA, BPH, nice to finally meet you guys.
bbdl & shirtless, guess I didn't mind you guys either.
OH! And I tailgated with the Gopher fans, and they're actually kinda cool.