I'll probably start with the freshman "World History" course...
Good luck, both of you!
Off to search for a better job...
I'll probably start with either the freshman "World History" course (which, believe it or not, covers everything in one semester - Cave Men to the Cold War), or the freshman Military History course (which probably has a Western focus: Greece/Rome/European/American). After the first year I'll be given additional courses.
There is no depth in that World History course I take it? Wow. The Military History course sounds interesting.
Totally random here, but:
I ended up only taking one History course in college. History of Science. It stands today as the most interesting class I've ever taken.
We had $2300 in the account. My wife and son had $436 on their dental this year, I had $1865 done for a crown and two fillings replaced. I can't wait to see the grumpy plan administrator's face when she figures out my total.![]()
Military History tends to be a pretty awesome course - though in our case, it was taught by a professuh frum thuh Saaauth who loved mentioning thuh Woh of Northun Aggresshun.I definitely loved my History of Technology course too.
Hey, desperate times...![]()
you applied to be a women's washroom attendant?!?![]()
And his tests were brutal. Seriously. A 75 was probably not only good for an A, but top 5 in the class.
Confirmed by the man himself: if 80 percent of the class got a given question right, he'd remove it for next time because obviously it was common knowledge.
And don't even start me on a certain World Cultures prof whose voice sounds like Patrick Stewart. As soon as he starts talking about rectangular doors, you can go ahead and take a two-hour nap. And make sure you know the unemployment rate in 1976 in Whereverstan - amazingly enough, it will be on the final.
Hey, desperate times...
In better news, totally moved out and cleaned the old apartment and left the keys. I am now committed to the new place. Nice to be able to check that off the list.
Don't burn bridges, be professional about your exit.Moderately related: What's the rule on two weeks' notice if you're not planning to ever mention to anyone, ever, that you worked at the place you're leaving?
Very nice, welcome to the world of teaching! Expect to be extremely busy outside of the 8-5 hours until you have your classes put together.Luckily, I foresaw such a contingency, and have been applying for a full-time Air Force job this year, which I just learned has been offered to me! I will be moving the tribe to Colorado Springs and starting as a history (asst.) professor at the Air Force Academy in January. In addition to having classrooms full of captive audiences that are ordered to listen to my ramblings, I'll get to conduct flight instruction every other day in their two-seat Katana aircraft. And I haven't even mentioned seeing Division I hockey! (I hear there may even be other D-I teams in Colorado.)
Thank you.Ditto! And to you!
Evening Lodge.
Spent three hours in the dentist chair this afternoon. I found out the other day that 8/31 is the end of the year for our Flexible Spending Account which can only be used for dental and vision. I had to use it or lose it. I had some work that needed to get done but wasn't urgent and they managed to fit me in. We had $2300 in the account. My wife and son had $436 on their dental this year, I had $1865 done for a crown and two fillings replaced. I can't wait to see the grumpy plan administrator's face when she figures out my total.![]()
Hopefully, it's just a hose...Evening, Lodge. My Jeep decided to start wetting the bed... er, road. Guess she's out of commission for a bit until we figure out whether it's just a hose leaking, or the water pump.![]()
Don't burn bridges, be professional about your exit.
And I agree with BPH; pay in pennies. Either that, or walk up and toss a bunch of loose change on her desk, then walk away.
Flex spending accounts reimburse YOU for given expenses. You put money aside pre-tax. In this case, goldy gets money, not the grumpy plan administrator. She will be grumpy because the plan doesn't get to keep goldy's moneySmells like math, but also hilarity.You should pay in pennies.
Don't burn bridges, be professional about your exit.
Flex spending accounts reimburse YOU for given expenses. You put money aside pre-tax. In this case, goldy gets money, not the grumpy plan administrator. She will be grumpy because the plan doesn't get to keep goldy's money![]()
High washout rate, mainly due to non-radar of which I got very little training with at UND (1 hal******* semester). Non-radar separation is very complicated due to having to preplan everything.Why is a Center a bad deal? Is the work a lot different? With a Center, maybe you could get Minneapolis, or better yet: Denver! Fort Worth would also be a good one.
morning Lodge![]()
Well done. I'm hoping to accomplish that in the next 2 weeks...I've got time but the sooner it's over with the better.In better news, totally moved out and cleaned the old apartment and left the keys. I am now committed to the new place. Nice to be able to check that off the list.