Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 81: Trickle-Down Lodganomics
Yeah. Didn't matter, they got thumped, it was on Saturday instead of Friday, so I'm glad I didn't go.
Yeah, its going to be another 2 or 3 years until they're even halfway decent I bet. Wasn't too happy with the Clinton-Manchester score, but eh, it was at least respectable.
Evening Lodge.
So I'm taking a Dale Carnegie course (the federal government hands out training money like it's candy.)
They gave us a free copy of How to Win Friends and Influence People. The chick on the cover is a dead ringer for 'diva.
We need some pictures here to prove this, do a side by side comparison of the two.
Anywho, about my weekend. After a chiropractor appointment Friday, I packed up and headed over to GR to meet up with the rest of the crew that was going to Texas with us. I was meeting Eric at the Downtown campus and then taking him over to the rental place by the Airport. But he had a meeting run a little late and he got there a little late, but it was OK because we didn't figure we would get on the road before 6 pm anyways. Drop him off at Budget Rent-A-Car and I swung around the airport to get to a Wendy's for Dinner. Then Eric calls me back asking if I had a Credit card on me because Budget wasn't taking his Debit card. Not sure why they wouldn't because its pretty much the same **** thing isn't it?? Anytime I've been short on funds they've just taken it out of my savings. Anyways, he ended up calling his Girlfriend and she drove over with a credit card so that we could get ahold of the van, and then finally got it all packed up and rolling by about quarter to nine that night.
Eric drove for a bit, then after Joliet, I took over and drove down quite possibly the worst stretch of road ever, I-55 thru Illinois. I know Michigan roads can be bad, but at least with Michigan roads there's a good stretch of the road that's pretty smooth because its been redone lately. Not so much with I-55. There were a few stretches where I drove over in the left hand lane just because the right hand lane was just too rough in that passenger van. Finally got to St. Louis at a little before 4 am and stopped at the Arch. That's something pretty cool to see at night, But Eric was getting a little carried away with taking pictures of it, and finally, the rest of us all headed back to the van with the keys. Well, after committing a little public urination behind a bush there at the park around the Arch anyways. Eric came running soon enough and we got back on the road, and then hit some really thick fog in the Ozarks. I got tired of that stuff pretty quickly and soon decided that perhaps it was time to let somebody else take over driving for a bit. I slept most of the rest of the way there, other than popping up for a bit around OKC. We did another driver switch in western Oklahoma.
About 20 minutes into Texas that afternoon, Ben, the driver that started in OK got nailed by a cop going 86 in a 70. Fool was speeding by himself on I-40 there so that's always a surefire way to get yourself nailed. Anywho, about 4 hours later than what we planned on, we finally pull into Canyon, Texas and into their stadium and tailgate area. That was nuts!! There was this one outfit there that was just cooking up about everything and giving it all away. Beef BBQ, Polish sausage on a stick, bacon wrapped chicken, crab legs and a few other things as well. All you had to do was just come on over and help yourself. And then there was another guy that I know from there that had this huge brisket that was all sliced up and you could cut it with a fork and it just melted in your mouth. Very tasty stuff.

The only bad thing about it was that I couldn't drink because of my head.

Then got my ticket and went into the game, nice stadium they had there that's in a bowl and its pretty steep all around and hard to find a bad place anywhere in it to watch the game. Only problem I had with it was that hot West Texas sun in our eyes most of the first half. And I thought it was pretty neat that they also ran a buffalo out onto the field just like what Colorado does, dragging the handlers as well, just like Ralph up there in Boulder.
After the game a little Victory Celebration party with some of the GV Alumni there and then we were back on the road. Since I didn't drink at the tailgater, I got first draw on driving back that night. And we weren't really going to let Eric drive anyways because he really hadn't slept on the way down and well, he was getting a bit ****y from being so **** tired. He was out of by the time we got out of Amarillo. Drove straight on thru Oklahoma and then stopped in Joplin, Misery to get McDonald's breakfast and switch up drivers.
I crashed out and didn't wake up again until STL, were we stopped at a Jack-In-The-Box for lunch and was going to stop at the Arch again and go all the way to the top of it. But that was before we realised that there was a Cards game going and there wasn't going to be any cheap parking nearby the Arch. Got across the river and got back on I-55 and realized that we probably would have been better off going past the Effingham Cross and taking I-70 and I-57 up instead. Anywho, got thru Chicagoland and then got back to Eric's place at about a quarter to nine pm. Unloaded the van and sorted our stuff out and place them in our respective vehicles and then we all took off on our respective ways home. Needless to say, I slept in a bit on Monday.