mookie - are you going to the BU Alumni coaches reception thing tomorrow night?
I just found out one of the models from work has incurable cancer. She's a friend of right now I'm just trying to hold myself together. I knew she was sick, but I had no idea...
I just found out one of the models from work has incurable cancer. She's a friend of right now I'm just trying to hold myself together. I knew she was sick, but I had no idea...
Well, went to the Geek Squad. They blew a boatload of dust out of my computer and it suddenly isn't wailing and whining. Still not perfect and making a little snick noise every once in a while but I am busily backing up everything I can. It would have cost me 150$ to have them do it so the guy said I should just do it at home. After the pics is the genealogy. Sent myself the emails I need to save if it crashes.Technology. You can't live with it and you can't live without it.
Well, they buy the air in bulk so probably it cost them a lot lessSo basically they took a three dollar can of air to it?
Now that is a sweet things'upp y'all.
mookie got himself a new 'job'. y'all know them golf magazines, and how they put out lists annually of 'best / top' courses??? well mookie is now a card carrying member of their staff!!!
s'upp y'all.
mookie got himself a new 'job'. y'all know them golf magazines, and how they put out lists annually of 'best / top' courses??? well mookie is now a card carrying member of their staff!!!
Sooooo...mookie is carrying the cards for some staffers at a golf magazine? He's a card caddy?
mookie got himself a new 'job'. y'all know them golf magazines, and how they put out lists annually of 'best / top' courses??? well mookie is now a card carrying member of their staff!!!
Then I've been trying to become the devil. I figure if I can just find one little tweak to make to Six Sigma and then give it a new name, get some companies to use my "new" (actually just rebranded old) strategies, I can make millions selling my quality method.There is no longer any doubt in my mind. Six-Sigma is the work of the devil.
If you're a developer, and you addressed a reported testing issue one day, and then the testers come back and inform you that the system is not working in a new way now, you learn that it's a result of the change you made to the other issue, should you really tell your testers that new issues are present because you "fixed" the old issues? It seems to me that you didn't fix a thing, you just found another way to be wrong instead.