Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 197: Hot! Hot! Hot!
Evening, Lodge. Apparently it's my fault that my immediate boss doesn't check IMs, which is the main form of communication between the two buildings. I guess I was supposed to help out the main building on Wed night, didn't do it. IMed, and got no response, so I left.
Tonight did the same thing, and given the numbers involved, it was an automatic decision. In 4+ years, there has never been a callback to the main building with these numbers. Monday could prove interesting. My co-worker stayed way late to do some necessary things, he's been there as long as I have, and he's backing my play. The offsite building really is an island, we joking refer to ourselves as pirates in the company. We just do our own thing, and as long as sh* gets done, leave us alone. Either the main building considers us in its decisions, or we are an afterthought. No hopping back and forth as they see fit.