New member
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 196: Spam, Spam, Spam
Good Morning Lodge!
All of this. I would have been horrified if she stitched it. Unless they lavage and scrub that would be the biggest no-no!Its fine. Had to go to the doctor because 1) I didn't think my tetanus shots were up-to-date, and I essentially stabbed myself with a rusty piece of sheet metal. (Shots were good though, I forgot I got a booster before going to Colombia a few years ago). 2) There is no way this thing doesn't get infected as all hell, so I needed antibiotics, the doctor agreed. 3) I figured I'd need stitches, but the doctor said it was already sealed up and healing an hour after it happened, and something about I must be a wolverine, apparently wolverines heal fast? Also, she apparently doesn't like stitching dirty puncture wounds.
Good Morning Lodge!