Gooood Afternoon from 603ville where I am currently borrowing wifi from my Clinical place now the kids have gone home. No power*. No internet. No heat but have water.
Lost a big limb across the driveway, cleared that off but this AM had little stuff all over the driveway again. Huge tree leaning on the lines into the neighborhood so no power still. The guy next door picked up a surpluss Army generator in 2011. His wife thought he was nuts but that yr we had a blizzard and a hurricane in the Fall and she decided it was OK. He is running the generator and we have extension cords snaking across the lawn (6), thru the door, down into the cellar, one into the living room. We have a lamp, the fridge, freezer and TV. I would not have thought of the later but the neighbor was horrified at the thought of no TV. In exchange he has our phone (comcast= no phone when no power) and we update him every time we get something.
Life has been an adventure. It is cold but we are very blessed. Could be like my friend on St Croix with part of roof missing, no water, no power and lottsa bugs.
Back to doing the work I am supposed to be doing that I can't do at home. Hoping for power tomorrow as they were taking the tree off the line this afternoon (FB post said so).
So maybe that tree is the reason my brother still doesn’t have power. They told him not till Thursday. My parents got power back at about 11pm last night. My SIL is staying there. She needs electricity for her nebulizer. My brother will be there for dinner. That’s so crazy! If they know it’s that one tree, why can’t they fix it. Glad you have some power thru your neighbor’s generator!
Greetings from Austin, y’all. Sitting in my room at the moment. It’s rainy here. I want to go grab dinner and get back to the room early. Going to be a busy couple of days. I want to go to sleep at a decent time tonight.
Still no word on my offer. I thought I’d hear this morning. Not sure what the delay is.