Happy birthday LwB! Hope the weather there is better than it is here. Cold and rainy. I'm packing for my travel this week. Going to Austin, TX on Tuesday. We're sponsoring and exhibiting at the Texas Conference for Women. Going to be a crazy busy week.
Then....I was checking email and saw one from Zillow. I always look. This time, I saw there was a unit in my building. Top floor. Facing the back. Like it could not be any more perfect. It's actually a three-bedroom. Comes with three parking spaces. Two in the garage. AH!! Could rent out the outside one....and naturally, I am traveling starting Tuesday morning. Why did this happen now??? And I come back on Friday afternoon and then head back out the next Tuesday. I don't really have the time to deal with this. ARRRGGHHH. I may put in an offer tomorrow. Not sure.