Feast or famine at work this week. I have a feeling the colder weather + hunting season is the cause for slowness today, and most likely tomorrow.
Sounds like western and northern MN is gonna get nailed with a crapton of snow tomorrow night; metro area only supposed to get a couple inches at most.
Good Morning Lodge!!
Cleaning out the cupboards, freezer and fridge (girlie thing?) before settling down to make a shopping list. Then on to making Pepparkakor dough.
Edit. Not sure what the hell is going on but when I type HHT with all caps it gets edited to Hht. Every time.
Enjoying the blizzard. Got about 10". Now we have 40 mph winds.
RHT (relieved hockey table). Beat the U18 6-3. The jailbait goalie is a Michigan recruit, he didn't look too good.
[channeling mookie]Scarlet's crabby today. [/finish channeling mookie]