Leap day was crazy. For example, my wife's boss suddenly died.
Leap day was crazy. For example, my wife's boss suddenly died.
they are one in the same. She is/was going to work remote.Yikes, her current boss in PA or new one in NC?
they are one in the same. She is/was going to work remote.
Good Morning Lodge.
Thanks Brent, it saves me from embarrassing myself by putting up a lame-azz poll since you did it instead.
I came here yesterday afternoon and figured I'd wait for the same reason.
En route to St. Paul and the Xcel Energy Center for the State Tournament. Should be one hell of a week!
En route to St. Paul and the Xcel Energy Center for the State Tournament. Should be one hell of a week!
The caucuses in our town were packed tonight. The one Mrs, Jr and I went to had 75 in our precinct, which is very high.
I'd have to agree. Going to time versus "x per y" is pretty stupid. Even if you have one error a day if you're 1 error per 10000 or 20000 task it isn't that bad.Found out we have a new standard for task errors. Instead of 4 per 10,000 being the minimum acceptable level, it's now time-based: 1 per 30 days is the minimum. I'll be asking some questions about this when the full explanation is presented, given that I'm basically the only person doing tasks at my building.
I find it hard to believe that if I do 20K tasks, and somehow make 2 errors in 30 days, I'll be "worse off" than someone who does 10 tasks in 2 months and makes the same amount of errors. (Just throwing numbers out there for the point of my argument).