C'mon Q!
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #173: (Insert Title)
Good morning to tLodge!
Good morning to tLodge!

Watching a 3-hour long movie in German on the web is extremely is agonizingly boring.
Watching a 3-hour long movie in German on the web is extremely is agonizingly boring.
So no boobs huh. Sad.
Good morning Lodge. Foggy morning here. Woke up to a text from my boss. She's in Dublin for a meeting. We're having a good bye party for a co-worker that I've had to plan. And I've got it covered, including planning for a video we've made for her. My boss tells me another person from our international team uploaded one. OK fine, it's a week late but we'll get it in. Then she tells me to work with our video production mgr to get the video set up in the room. Um, the whole point of having to research a private room to have this in was because of this video. You don't think I took care of that days ago??? I know she just wakes up and thinks of these things but honestly, let me do my job. Even when it's not my job.
I did mean Ireland.And I did reply with a similar done and done comment. I know she trusts me and knows I will get it done. It just seems in the last few months she's been very....not sure how to describe it....on edge? Always sending me quick texts/emails to remind me to do things that I've already taken care of and told her about.
Anyway....I hate that work blocks I can get onto the craziest sites, but not that one.
Turned into a beautiful day here! It's almost 70 and sunny. Won't last, but it's nice to have.
Edit: Actually there are, but hardly worth seeing.
Govt jobs.....