Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #173: (Insert Title)
I just dinged him to a name known to all. what are the levels again?? Ralph?
0 to 15 - User is an unknown quantity at this point
16 to 127 - User is on a distinguished road
128 to 1,023 - User will become famous soon enough
1,024 to 8,191 - User has a spectacular aura about
8,192 to 65,535 - User is a jewel in the rough
65,536 to 524,287 - User is just really nice
524,288 to 4,194,303 - User is a glorious beacon of light
4,194,304 to 33,554,431 - User is a name known to all
33,554,432 to 268,435,455 - User is a splendid one to behold
268,435,456 to 2,147,483,646 - User has much to be proud of
2,147,483,647 - User has a brilliant future
I don't know the negative ones.