No surprises here. Eyeing the *HT.
You can have my reservation, Twitch. Some really nice amenities, too.
You can have my reservation, Twitch. Some really nice amenities, too.
Die in a fire, hockey.
No can do! HHT for me!
HHT for me! Today has been a grand day.
Holy shiat what an evening.
The g family decided to travel a few miles east tonight to watch a friends daughter play high school basketball. When we left home the temp was 35 degrees. Halfway to our destination the wind was nasty and the temp was dropping. We were driving on 94 east. Most of the traffic was slowing down to safer speeds as the roads were getting slippery as the snow was blowing and hitting the warm pavement and turning into ice. One idiot in a SUV was weaving in and out of traffic and flew past me going at least 80. Traffic was moving around 40. After passing me they tried changing lanes again. Ended up in the ditch on the roof. In a ten. Ike stretch we witnessed five other cars hit the ditch. All trucks or suv's going way to fast for the conditions.
We took back roads on the way home. At least a dozen cars in the ditch.
Bad roads and watching bouncy ball = fail.
Got home and the driveway was drifted shut. Three to four foot drifts.
Did ya'll tailgate?
So is Mavsy at the North Star cup?
HHT for me! All the way here in Atlanta! And it happened in spite of mookie texting me during the game! So I guess I won't revoke the game tickets for tomorrow's game that I sent to him.
so y'all have to pay that dude who moved the 'stars' to dallas everytime you guys type or say or use "north star" with hockey, right?![]()