EXcellent advice. I'm heeding it tonight. I got crashed into by an 81-year-old, blind-in-one-eye driver. Everyone's OK, no blood, etc.; the only hardship -- besides the driver's door not opening, so you have to crawl over from the passenger's side each time you get in or out -- the only real hardship is the paperwork.
For you Twin Cities folk, I had gotten off 494 and was headed to the Mall of America. This other guy was in the middle lane, and realized his turn -- into that old-school Ramada down there -- was coming up fast, so he made a sharp right turn. From the middle lane. And right in to me in the right lane. While I was on the phone with the cops I saw him writing out info on a piece of paper. I get off the phone, and approach him. He hands me this sheet of info and says, "I feel like a real *** for that. I'm blind in this one eye! I didn't see you at all! Anyways, I'm late for this bridge tournament here in the Ramada, so since you've got my info, I have to get going." I said, "Uh . . . the police are on their way. I think you have to stay." He said OK, and waited for a minute or two, looking at his watch the whole time. Eventually he goes, "I really need to get going." And hops in his car and drives off.

When the cops got there -- barely two minutes later -- the one goes, "Uh . . . . isn't there another car?!?" "Yes, Officer, but he said he wanted to make his bridge game. You can see him right over there driving around the parking lot looking for a spot." The cop almost laughed, and rolled his eyes, and said, "I'll be right back." Five minutes later he came back and said, "Well, the info he left with you was enough. But he shouldn't have left the scene. Oh well. I guess when you get to a certain age you have your priorities."
Ahh, good times. And time for another drink. Have a good night, Lodgrz.