Blood Boiling with Rage and Hate
Seriously, how do you not hit him?
He's a man of extreme self-control.
Seriously, how do you not hit him?
He's a man of extreme self-control.
That loud crunch sound you just heard might have been the knockout punch Union just landed on BC's chin.
That loud crunch sound you just heard might have been the knockout punch Union just landed on BC's chin.
He's a man of extreme self-control.
That loud crunch sound you just heard might have been the knockout punch Union just landed on BC's chin.
Am I too into hockey if I feel just miserable right now?
Bingo. Sure I could have piped up and put him in his place but that would not have done any good. When I keep my mouth shut and or walk away that drives him nuts. Bil is a loser. Everyone knows it. He does. His mom and dad know it. His daughter knows it. Cripes, little g is even beginning to figure it out. He is an insecure person who is fighting a losing battle with quite a few demons. In the very near future he is going to be a lonely man with nothing.
He who laughs last, laughs best.
Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria... that sort of thing.SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON THIS YEAR IN THE TOURNEY?!
My God......
My God......
Game not over.....
hmmm something to think aboutAnybody need FF tickets? I got three lower bowl, corner tickets if interested.
CHOCOLATE MILK FOUNTAIN!!! Congrats Pat and Les!
Well les.. Here's the biggest and best chocolate milk for you! Congrats to you and your family!
Congrats to you too Pat!
There might not beYou're welcome!
And there probably isn't enough chocolate milk in New England tonight! les - are you going to Pittsburgh?? Mookie and I want to buy you a big chocolate milkshake (since they don't have frappes there I don't think).
I agree with Unca Ray. If you want to take the high road in front of the BIL then you absolutely need to tell Little g that you did that because to say something would not achieve anything but that what he said was hurtful, wrong and unacceptable. Otherwise you are showing tacit approval of his behaviour and little g is going to get the idea that he should allow that stuff too. Had a situation where I bit my tongue when Lil was younger and had a converstion like that. Turned out he was really mad I didn't say something but was glad when I explained.Could have been fireworks. Bil made a comment about today being my dad's birthday and then saying "I guess that's one way to get out of spending money on a gift."
BC managed to salvage their dignity and not get shutout.Salvaging tonight would be the Wild win and BC getting hammerpunched.
And the unhappy news- got home to find Lil's car egged. little a55holes. Pretty sure we know who did it. Trying to decide if I want to let the parents know. Really Pi553d. Lil is supposed to go to church tomorrow early to help serve breakfast. His windshield is covered. Hoses are all buried in the shed. I am BS. NOw not sure how we are going to do this