Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #162: Love Is In the Air
OK, let's see...
I drink it every morning with breakfast. Barely a cup. Not for the caffeine, but I like how it tastes with breakfast. It is a rare occasion I drink it during the day. I prefer Dunkin' Donuts, but will go to Starbucks for a Cafe mocha. That's more like a snack than for the caffeine. When I do not drink coffee, I tend to get headaches, they don't cause them. When I feel a headache coming on, coffee usually helps me feel better.
mookie - I have never had gas for any tooth things - fillings, oral surgery, extractions, root canals. I don't consider the jaw surgery I had to be a tooth thing. that was major surgerya nd I was in the hospital for five days.
So, I had an appointment to meet with my accountant tonight. He's also my brother's accountant. He goes to my brother's house, my brother tells me when. Late last week I found out that my sister-in-law's aunt passed away. I called my mom to tell her. My mom calls up there Saturday to chat with my sister-in-law. Finds out the wake is tonight. I call my mother Sunday to chat, she tells me this. Have I received a call from my brother to tell me of this change? Of course not. I have already offered mookie my ticket to the BU game tonight and my Club Room pass for dinner. I call my brother, talk to my sister-in-law who was all "We had to change, this happened, etc" like I was calling to ***** about it. I was like "I get it, but it would have been nice if someone CALLED ME as I just gave away my game ticket." And I was supposed to hear when it was re-scheduled. Talk to my mother today, she tells me it's been re-scheduled for next week. Have I receivd a call? Nooooooo.
Oh and mookie, if I planned to go to the game I would have used my other ticket and got into the club room to meet you for dinner but I have to finish packing and I need to get to sleep early tonight. They'll jsut have to suffer without me.