Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #162: Love Is In the Air
So, it stopped and I'm at my brother's. they didn't get nearly what I got. Roads are very wet by me so I'm a little worried about black ice later tonight.
Drove to Roxbury for Track this AM. The roads were pretty horrible in Town but not as bad up by Dracut. Just got home. The side roads are bad. The roads in Boston were practically dry.
Not a good day. Lil had Divisional meet. Had qualified for both the Mile and the 2 mile. Had been running out of his mind. Got sick this week. Fever, cough. Wheezing. Using all his meds, inhaler and still legs feel like poop. (If this sounds familiar he had the same senario happen before the huge meet in XC)
45 minutes before he has to leave I hear a pop and a loud wooshing sound.I thought he was running the upstairs water.....nope. Go downstairs. The valve on top of the water heater is spewing H2O like a fire hydrant on a cartoon. Shut off valve does nothing to shut it off when I try but it was hard to get a grip on it because the force of the water spewing out made it hard to get a good grip. Shut the house water. It continues to pump out water but now at a reasonable rate. I crank the valve shut. It does not completely shut off the flow of water.

We just finished off this room. New rug. Spray was about chest height. We have pantry shelves in this room. Guess which shelf all the pasta was on. (Oh, I forgot to mention Mr was not home, he was working)
Call the plumber. 7AM tomorrow. (Holiday pay. WHee!!)
Go to the meet through wildly blowing snow. They delay the meet by an hour. We are there 2 hours early. Lil takes a turn around the track and is panting and coughing after one lap (he races 22 laps for the 2 mile). Decides he will never make the 2 and will run the one. Ended up running 2 seconds slower than he had, came in 3rd from last. Not happy. Not great for anyone who might be following how he does. Looks like he chokes in big meets.

Ah well, at least we will have water early in the AM.