there's a good buck in that racket.
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #160: Resolute in 2013
S'upp y'all
S'upp y'all
They had coed dorms at RPI when I was there also. When I was a freshman (1964-65), the few girls that we had who did not live at home were housed at Russell Sage College in downtown Troy. Sage was all female at the time. My sophomore year (1965-66) a new dorm (the BARH for any RPI Lodge members who read this) was opened, and one wing was for females. IIRC, the four wings of that dorm all meet at a common cafeteria, so it wasn't truly "integrated". I am not sure when dorms actually became coed, but in 1969-70, I lived in a coed dorm.There was a woman who sat next to us for the first part of the season this yr who wanted to know all sorts of things about the school. My favorite- "Do they have co-ed dorms? I hope not that leads to sin." She was a bit older but really?!?!??!! They had coe-ed dorms 30 yrs ago when I went there. Can't imagine what sin they have now with their little suites!
You had women gym teachers?
I had at least four.
You in the Eastern Hemisphere or something?![]()
Jr's team won the Anoka Classic tourney today, 25-3-1 right now.
I wasn't there for this part, but I'm told that with the wind gusting as it did the main warming house tent was evacuated and declared structurally unsound. Wear did they put everyone? They put them onto the lake. Where's the lake in relation to the tent? That's right, the lake is down wind from the tent.
You had women gym teachers?
I'd rather shave my balls with a rusty bandsaw blade than watch that ********** on TV. Thank Parise I get to work today.Going to enjoy my day off with some Inauguration Coverage and enjoy it less with some homework.
despite whatever you think of any politician, I still feel it is important to watch every Inauguration.I'd rather shave my balls with a rusty bandsaw blade than watch that ********** on TV. Thank Parise I get to work today.
I can't support it. No way.despite whatever you think of any politician, I still feel it is important to watch every Inauguration.
Pah. Any fool can win. Losing, though, that builds character! My kid's squirt team just lost again yesterday, so we're doing something right.(Actually they only lost 5-1 to an excellent City of Lakes team. They were losing 13-0 just four weeks ago. So there is progress.)
When my kid played on a team the wild parents had the wild kids. Later when they were caught at stuff the parents were more concerned they were stupid enough to be caught than they were doing it....One of the kids on my son's team got caught smoking the ganja (not red handed but the kid who did get caught ratted him out). All the kids on the team knew he was toking up. Should I talk to the parents of the other kids who are known pot-heads? I'm torn on this one. It's all rumors and largely based on who the kids hang out with. On the other hand if I was as clueless as some of these parents appear, I think I'd like to get a hint from another parent who heard the rumors.
In Wisconsin, that would be legal.That is tough tho. We struggled with this when Lil was in 6th gradeand one of his teammates was openily bragging about drinking. With his father. Father was a raging alcoholic. Mother shrugger her shoulders at all Dad's antics, including when he was kicked out of various rinks/escorted out by police. We decided not to say anything because the guy had a rep for being violent and it was likely he was the person his son was drinking with. It was made easier that the school was watching the kid and I was suspicious that Chilrens' Service might be involved.
I can't support it. No way.
I can't support it. No way.
Lincoln didnt do it for you?Someday I hope that we will elect a President whom I am enthused about enough to walk less than a mile to watch the parade. Time is running out.![]()