Can you get extra credit for coaching squirts? I'd try for it. Lots of leadership there and community based.
I'm hoping if there are service hours required that this will suffice; takes up a ton of my extra time on and off the ice.
It was interesting, to say the least. We gathered in a conference room with no desk or tables, just an oval of 40 chairs. No syllabus talk or anything like that. Our professor flat out told us he was just here as a host, that we would be conducting the content.
We were asked to write down our name and a few words about community leadership, a type of leadership, an idea, or something that we wanted to learn throughout the course. Of the 40 kids in class, I think 10 of us did so.
We then posted these on the wall, and picked one of two twenty minute time slots, as well as a station number to gather at.
I wrote down Make a Difference Uniquely. Not sure that I worded it correctly, but I wanted to stress and discuss that I feel it's important for each individual to help impact people with their strengths.
Only one other guy came to my conversation.

It was tough to compete with a Somalian man though, who works with a community center for Somlian kids. He had an idea about helping improve and renovate it. That attracted the majority of the class.