Rodent of Unusual Size
Good luck tomorrow!
A couple days ago I went pheasant hunting ( first time). Took home twelve birds. Earlier today I cut up a two of them and browned them in olive oil. I added the meat, wild rice, cream of mushroom and chicken soup, mushrooms and some spices and put them in the slow cooker. Pretty tasty. Took home about a dozen birds total. I brought the other ten to a meat locker to get them smoked.
Before the queens continue their Super Bowl run tomorrow I am going to hunting again. It has been a while since I have done hunting of any kind (20 years or so). I had a blast the other day and I can see myself getting back into it. Good camaraderie, fresh air, exercise, hanging out with Mother Nature, etc.
The big issue with pheasant hunting is that you need a dog. Mrs. g and I have been contemplating getting one but we (mostly me because owning a dog is work and I would be stuck dealing with most of it) have been against it. Maybe this is a sign.................
You have more than one kid, right?