We have Mt. les sanctuary here- racoon, turkey, deer, fox, rabbit, and an endangered species turtle all in a 2 week span. We live in the suburbs for goodness sake.
I had a day like Scarlet's that was preculded by a bad evening previous. Laptop suddenly refused to type anything. I could scroll, use touchpad, hit enter or tab but no letters/numbers. Had to reboot. 15 minutes for it to do that. Fastforward to yesterday.They do construction on the road outside my office. I sit 2 car lengths away from the entrance for 10 minutes while they block traffic. I get there and so do the first 3 patients, all at the same time, I am 15 minutes late. My first appt is 30 min late for his 15 minute appt. Now I am 30 minutes behind and I haven't started my day. The EKG machine shiz the bed another 15 minutes. Program makes me change password on my charting.. I do. Schedule looks like doodoo. My schedule is a CF, there is only one receptionist on, she is freaking, I am the person in charge. I have a sick pedi who didn't follow advice and is now sig sicker, old ladies who are deciding to swirl the bowl (usually complex and not good when things are busy). I get labs back on someone that are NOT GOOD. I need to call them but my lunch is now over. I call, I now am 30 minutes behind before starting the afternoon. COnstruction is continuing. People are not on time, so I can't catch up. My laptop internal battery is dead and I am having to plug in in every exam room. I forget during one 10 min visit and it dies. I reboot. I try to log on. It doesn't like my password. It tells me I need admin to let me in. I call our IT person who does this part time (it is 4:30 Fri, on Mem Day WE). He does not have ability to override. Needs to call main co. I am now without a computer, it is going on 5PM. I can use someone elses to look at my stuff but I can't sign anything off, I can't RF prescriptions, I can't take any actions because I am not under my name. I am feelling slightly insane. The IT persone gets back to me at 5:30. The new password didn't register when I typed it. They reset me. Meanwhile my computer has been inactive I need to reboot the whole thing which is about 10 minutes. I get on at 5:45. The nurses have now all gone home which means I have to do what I do and what I would normally delegate. Meanwhile people are paging my boss about stuff that I saw in the day because they are trying to circumvent that I didn't do what they want and it is a long weekend and about refills that they called in at 4PM that are an EMERGENCY!11!!1!!!1! because they are all out. Well we have a message on that line that says we need 48 hr notice. I didn't have a computer for most of that time. So when I RF it, being
nice before the weekend, I am not wanting to hear that it is my fault. (Thankfully, neither is my boss who handed that person a piece of her butt). Then I get home at 7:30 to find out that Mr, who was golfing all day with his buddies had abdicated responsibility for dinner because he didn't know what he wanted. I still have yet to don one chart from yesterday. Guess what I will be doing part of the weekend GRRRR!
On a happier note I get to dig in my garden today.
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!! silly saturday