Just finished up dinner with the inlaws. I am probably in the inlaw doghouse again.
Bil got a job a couple weeks ago (he was out of work just over three years). He calls Mrs. g a couple days ago and invited all of us out for dinner to celebrate Mothers Day and he mentioned he would pick up the bill. 8 of us total. Before ordering, the waiter asked if it would all be on one bill. Bil quickly replies "one bill". We all eat and stuff and the waiter sets the bill next to bil. He pushes the bill to Mrs. g and gets up and excuses himself to use the restroom. I pushed the bill back to his setting. mil and fil commented to us that it was rude of us to not pay the tab. bil came back but never sat in his original spot, avoiding the bill. Long story short, after a bit Mrs. g and I got the kids ready. We cordially said good bye and I grabbed the bill. As I walked past mil I gave her the bill and said Happy Mothers Day.