Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 138: HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY!
What a day. Left the office at 2pm for my 3:50pm flight. Grabbed a cab, got to Logan at 2:19. As I was getting out of the cab I realized I left my laptop at the office. Crap! As I was walking into the terminal I was thinking "Do I have time to make it there and back?" Went to self service to check my bag. Naturally, there was an equipment malfunction and they couldn't print out the bag tag. They had to re-enter all the info again, added extra minutes to my decision. It was 2:28. I ran down to baggage claim to where the taxis and buses were. A bus that takes you to the Blue Line T station was just pulling up. I jumped on it. Got to the T station, a train came within 3 minutes. Made it back to the office at 2:58, grabbed my laptop, ran back out and caught another cab (this one I had to pay for) back to Logan. Got in line at security at 3:12. No bins. All these TSA people, no one does anything. Guy in front of me puts his bags on the belt but doesn't wait to make sure they go through so I have to push his crap through. ***. My flight is supposed to board at 3:20. I have to wait, I get that full body scan. Fine, but TSA lady is kind of a beeyotch. I get through that, look at the monitors, see my flight now leaves at 3:55 so I think I have time to run to the ladies room. While in there, I hear an announcement that if you were on that Chicago flight and booked online at home you had to re-check in as they changed planes and this new one is smaller and your booked seat might not be available. Great. Had to run out of the ladies room to the gate. Long line, thankfully they hadn't started boarding. Why? Because the people on the plan hadn't de-boarded. Great. Guess we're not leaving at 3:55. Got to the counter, my seat was fine. I board with no problem, but last people on the plane sitting across the aisle? Yes, you guessed it. Young couple with a 3-month old. *sigh* Thankfully it only screamed for a few minutes. We take off about 35 minutes late.
But we land only about 10 minutes late. Yay! Get my bag at baggage claim, which took a little longer than usual. The hotel has a shuttle so I had to walk aways to find it. Had to wait about 20 minutes for it. The things I do to save my company money. Got to the hotel, managed to get in my room. I'm now starving. I figured I would go down to the hotel bar to grab something to eat and watch the game. Very oorly laid out. No waiter/waitress stopped by, one stopped by a table with guys that sat down after me. I waited for about 10 minutes and no one even said "Be right with you!" I got up and left, went to the front desk to ask for a number for Dominos. Got menus from 2 local places, ordered from one. It just showed up. I gave my credit card, the guy said "You didn't do that on the phone? THey only take credit cards over the phone." I was like "She never asked me." Thankfully I had cash, but still. PAIN. And it's not that good.
I always forget that shows are on an hour earlier here.